Saturday, February 4, 2012

civil service - the crimes they won't talk about

i accuse my former co-workers at a state agency, STATE FUND, of extremely abusive conduct against me peronally including conspiracy to commit and conceal - among other things - attempted murder to try to keep me from exposing what criminal activities went on there and still go on as they continue to conspire to avoid discovery for crimes not only against me, but against the public and it's trust in how they were supposed to make decisions about benefits and dollars that they were entrusted with.

and what did they do other than loot the state of billions - 3.5 to 10 billion to be more precise.

now, unless people speak up and demand the truth, i will be forced to go silent due to health issues from claims adjustors and attorneys manipulating the rule of law to silence me by abusing my medical care and hiding behind governmental status so people who committed criminal acts wouldn't go to jail.

and all i did was to try to stop white collar crime costing the taxpayers billions.

only in amerika - write or call the attorney general and govenor of california, demand i receive justice for if i do not get it, what will all of you get some day when its your turn for "justice...."

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