You know, being a whistleblower “wannabe” had its own peculiar drawbacks back in the mid-late 80s when I was first most active in reaching out to authorities of all types. (Tolling the statutes of limitations among other things, but that’s another story for another time).
It was so crooked where I worked, the highest managers used to let me – on the job, with other employees and or managers around me, listening in - use the state phone on my desk to call anyone and any public or private agency I wanted to call to report “epic” criminal acts, now known as white collar crime, including outright slavery in the guise of employment, embezzlement and insurance fraud of many types including: illegal life pensions, illegal vocational rehabilitation plans, illegal worker's comp claims and tax free gifts and worst of all in my eyes, secret control of my union by bribery, intimidation and, as I was to find out, by force and beatings by bums sent by doctors and lawyers plus law enforcement types acting in collusion with my managers to stop me by beating me, knocking me out even in front of others such was their power and control of “work” at the time.
Part of what I reported was how my state agency’s managers “had to bribe a judge to avoid jail” and “multiple” other criminal acts that included so many people, it was difficult to summarize it all then as now.
Do you know, my mangers would casually stand by and listen to my conversations with say the CHP, the attorney general's office, the governor's office, the San José PD, many dozens (if not hundreds) of private attorneys seeking aide, the city and county district attorneys in multiple bay area cities who all openly refused to do anything since I was reporting crimes that about everyone knew and approved of openly or passively from fear or actively from wanting to continue profiting themselves from white collar crime on some level as it was so widespread. I even had several private attorneys get jobs working for my state agency because they reported what I told them and to keep them quiet, my managers got them lifetime jobs in civil service as reward for their treachery.
It was an amazing, heady experience, hearing managers tell me “nobody will listen to your allegations.” “Nobody will do a thing to help you.” And since it was the CHP – the California Highway Patrol that in the long run that due to the way the laws in California work, I had to call them and only them to report crimes at a state agency, and since it was crimes involving he CHP, judges, my mangers and many attorneys and doctors - it only got me beaten so many times I ended up forgetting about what and why I was objecting to. That made a lot of people happy except when I’d wake up again and remember things till I got more concussions and general torture at work even from my fellow union members…so I had no help at all, the union itself disavowed me as a shop steward, treachery came even from my fellow shop stewards.
Repeated concussions have a way of making you forget what you still remember, it’s very odd as I look back on it, but that’s how it worked, at least for me. It was an odd time, I just wanted to share this part of my story so people can understand how ruthless my managers are and in great part, how and why I failed as a whistle blower - the authorities were all in on it and all conspired and colluded to defeat me despite "doing it right," it's just that "nobody wanted to go to jail."
It was damned if I do, damned if I don’t and then I forgot about it all most of the time for many years in great part because my treacherous personal attorney conspired to keep me subdued as well. And when your own attorney conspires and colludes with the devil, you are screwed well and good.
Took me years of being away from it all and “healing myself” to put together what happened with why it was important to me in the first place. Concussions make you forget your values to some extent, but when you remember them – THAT’S when things make sense, and hence, since then these past 2-3 years, I’ve been speaking out as I can, when I can, to whom I can – catch as catch can.
White Collar Crime, typically among civil servants of many types, including: law enforcement groups, higher ranking civil service managers, chief's as well as the rank and file, appointees, managers and particularly most people working in the worker's compensation field and industy which also includes judges, lawyers, doctors and many more. it all makes up institutional, white collar crime.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
scandals among those who serve = themselves - a national problem?
scandals among those who serve = much longer will we allow this NATIONAL PROBLEM to continue?
white collar crime will only stop if "HONESTY and HONEST SERVICES" are required from and BETWEEN civil servants is mandated, with severe penalties and consequences unlike now, when FOOLISH laws like the "Statutes of Limitations" is all that keeps THOUSANDS in California alone from going to jail, losing pensions, paying the money back and even paying tax penalties for tax fraud.
and here you thought it only happened in California....

white collar crime will only stop if "HONESTY and HONEST SERVICES" are required from and BETWEEN civil servants is mandated, with severe penalties and consequences unlike now, when FOOLISH laws like the "Statutes of Limitations" is all that keeps THOUSANDS in California alone from going to jail, losing pensions, paying the money back and even paying tax penalties for tax fraud.
and here you thought it only happened in California....
District of Columbia copes with more city scandals
By Erika Bolstad McClatchy Newspapers
Last modified: 2012-07-15T05:53:47Z
Published: Sunday, Jul. 15, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 6A
WASHINGTON – Residents of the nation's capital may have thought they'd outgrown the scourge of a crack-smoking mayor and high murder rates, of exploding manhole covers and crumbling schools. But an embarrassing corruption scandal further threatens to tarnish the city's burnished image and could topple its new leadership.
A federal probe into Mayor Vincent Gray's 2010 campaign has snared three of his aides, and news that some close advisers helped orchestrate an illegal shadow campaign could force him from office. Three City Council members have called on Gray to step down.
The city already is reeling from leadership changes. One council member, Harry Thomas Jr., just began a three-year prison term for stealing $353,000 in taxpayer money slated for poor kids. And, in an entirely separate corruption probe, the council president, Kwame Brown, stepped down last month after pleading guilty to federal charges of falsifying mortgage documents.
Piled on top of the other bad news: The regional utility, Pepco, took a week to fully restore electricity after a massive thunderstorm left thousands sweltering. The city learned this summer it has one of the worst HIV infection rates in the country, particularly among African American women in the poorest neighborhoods. And the Metro transit system hiked its fares for the third time in five years.
The scandals suggest a systemic culture of cronyism and self-dealing in city government that threatens to overshadow the other Washington, which had been making progress rehabilitating its image since the lows, such as when then-Mayor Marion Barry was caught smoking crack with a prostitute in a hotel room in 1990.
The city's population is growing for the first time since the 1950s. The murder rate is at its lowest since 1963, a federal government workforce has been largely immune to recession, young professionals are transforming neighborhoods into trendy entertainment destinations, and affluent parents in some neighborhoods are once again considering sending their children to D.C.'s public schools.
"The complicated part of today's story is that the city is really a great city," said Tom Lindenfeld, a political consultant who helped elect Gray's predecessor, Adrian Fenty.
"The city is a place where people are moving back to, and want to live in the city," Lindenfeld said. "It's a hot place, a place that's doing well financially. You see construction across the city, all over the place. People are putting their kids back into the public school system. People are moving back from the suburbs."
Despite the gains, locals are fed up – particularly those who watched Gray campaign for a more transparent government, and who disapproved of Fenty's aloof leadership style that included allies such as the union-battling schools chancellor, Michelle Rhee, who now runs StudentsFirst, a national educational advocacy organization based in Sacramento.
"Seems like same old, same old, just a different mayor," said Joy Parker, 31, a lifelong Washingtonian interviewed at the city's famed Ben's Chili Bowl. "It's the same pattern with every elected official."
News of the shadow campaign, which secretly supported a third candidate to siphon off support from Fenty, calls into question the legitimacy of the 2010 mayoral race.
Federal investigators have been probing Gray's campaign for more than a year. Already, three campaign aides to the Democratic mayor have pleaded guilty to financial misconduct.
Gray has not been accused of a crime, and the mayor said he has no plans to step down. On a television call-in show Friday, he described his colleagues' calls for him to resign as politically motivated.
"We hope this will come to a conclusion very soon," he said on a local news program.
Mo Elleithee, a national political consultant who made his first foray into city politics during Gray's 2010 campaign, said he thinks the mayor owes a more forthcoming explanation to the people who worked on his legitimate campaign – not to mention those who voted for him.
In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Elleithee and fellow consultant Steve McMahon said they hope the mayor was "just as unaware of it as the rest of us on the legitimate campaign were."
Reform-minded city residents say there's much to be done in the wake of the scandals, which will trigger at least one special election. The city has weak contracting regulations, poorly policed ethics laws and a culture where those in power think it's acceptable to help out their friends, activists say.
Dorothy Brizill, who along with her husband runs DCWatch, a government watchdog website, predicts the city will emerge from the crisis stronger.
"It'll be unpleasant, it'll be nasty," she said. "But in the end, I'm hopeful that the District itself will come out better, because it's finally able to address these problems that have been lingering for 20 or 30 years."
© Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved.
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A federal probe into Mayor Vincent Gray's 2010 campaign has snared three of his aides, and news that some close advisers helped orchestrate an illegal shadow campaign could force him from office. Three City Council members have called on Gray to step down.
The city already is reeling from leadership changes. One council member, Harry Thomas Jr., just began a three-year prison term for stealing $353,000 in taxpayer money slated for poor kids. And, in an entirely separate corruption probe, the council president, Kwame Brown, stepped down last month after pleading guilty to federal charges of falsifying mortgage documents.
Piled on top of the other bad news: The regional utility, Pepco, took a week to fully restore electricity after a massive thunderstorm left thousands sweltering. The city learned this summer it has one of the worst HIV infection rates in the country, particularly among African American women in the poorest neighborhoods. And the Metro transit system hiked its fares for the third time in five years.
The scandals suggest a systemic culture of cronyism and self-dealing in city government that threatens to overshadow the other Washington, which had been making progress rehabilitating its image since the lows, such as when then-Mayor Marion Barry was caught smoking crack with a prostitute in a hotel room in 1990.
The city's population is growing for the first time since the 1950s. The murder rate is at its lowest since 1963, a federal government workforce has been largely immune to recession, young professionals are transforming neighborhoods into trendy entertainment destinations, and affluent parents in some neighborhoods are once again considering sending their children to D.C.'s public schools.
"The complicated part of today's story is that the city is really a great city," said Tom Lindenfeld, a political consultant who helped elect Gray's predecessor, Adrian Fenty.
"The city is a place where people are moving back to, and want to live in the city," Lindenfeld said. "It's a hot place, a place that's doing well financially. You see construction across the city, all over the place. People are putting their kids back into the public school system. People are moving back from the suburbs."
Despite the gains, locals are fed up – particularly those who watched Gray campaign for a more transparent government, and who disapproved of Fenty's aloof leadership style that included allies such as the union-battling schools chancellor, Michelle Rhee, who now runs StudentsFirst, a national educational advocacy organization based in Sacramento.
"Seems like same old, same old, just a different mayor," said Joy Parker, 31, a lifelong Washingtonian interviewed at the city's famed Ben's Chili Bowl. "It's the same pattern with every elected official."
News of the shadow campaign, which secretly supported a third candidate to siphon off support from Fenty, calls into question the legitimacy of the 2010 mayoral race.
Federal investigators have been probing Gray's campaign for more than a year. Already, three campaign aides to the Democratic mayor have pleaded guilty to financial misconduct.
Gray has not been accused of a crime, and the mayor said he has no plans to step down. On a television call-in show Friday, he described his colleagues' calls for him to resign as politically motivated.
"We hope this will come to a conclusion very soon," he said on a local news program.
Mo Elleithee, a national political consultant who made his first foray into city politics during Gray's 2010 campaign, said he thinks the mayor owes a more forthcoming explanation to the people who worked on his legitimate campaign – not to mention those who voted for him.
In an op-ed in the Washington Post, Elleithee and fellow consultant Steve McMahon said they hope the mayor was "just as unaware of it as the rest of us on the legitimate campaign were."
Reform-minded city residents say there's much to be done in the wake of the scandals, which will trigger at least one special election. The city has weak contracting regulations, poorly policed ethics laws and a culture where those in power think it's acceptable to help out their friends, activists say.
Dorothy Brizill, who along with her husband runs DCWatch, a government watchdog website, predicts the city will emerge from the crisis stronger.
"It'll be unpleasant, it'll be nasty," she said. "But in the end, I'm hopeful that the District itself will come out better, because it's finally able to address these problems that have been lingering for 20 or 30 years."
© Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved.
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Sunday, June 3, 2012
Corruption of the Rule of Law - "Ora na azu nwa"
"Ora na azu nwa" -"it takes a village, a whole community...
To allow White Collar Crime to "be and become" established and go fully mainstream in an entire state as it has in California.
From what I’ve read and personally experienced, I am unsure where if anywhere, it doesn't happen on the city, county and state level. It seems "about everywhere" so that it literally seems to be considered commonplace, just like the sun coming up in the morning and maybe that's why we really don't notice it other than the really "egregious" cases.
my personal research indicates that it has "always been this way" per report of "everyone I ever worked with and spoke to about the matter" both in and out of civil service - and I spoke to a huge number of people about corruption of the Process and Rule of Law and other matters, including most every attorney and judge I ever worked with for more than a few minutes or spoke to at any length. I found most of them to have very poor values and to be oath-breakers as a matter of practice - white collar crime was and is this extensive in California, and it’s all over the news and has been for years if you care to research it.
contrary to what they would have you believe, White Collar Crime (corruption of the “process of law” to influence the outcome or "rule of law") does not occur by one-sies and two-sies as they would have you think - it's built into the system and Corruption of the Rule of Law happens most commonly with those you'd least likely suspect - those who are "part of the system" and who work with and/or for government.
My research indicates white collar crime has gone on since at least 1913 when the legislature and governor apparently fraudulently passed worker's compensation and created what would become known as a "rogue state agency" - State Fund. However, if I’m correct and worker's compensation was never voted on by the people, then State Fund is not really even a state agency and never was due to the unconstitutional manner in which "workman's compensation" was invoked without a vote of the people ever taking place despite the lies they tell you.
non-governmental groups such as in the medical and legal field (attorneys AND judges) are also highly complicit in feeding off your rights and tax/benefit dollars in an illegal manner, so it's not just elected and un-elected civil servants, they have had LOTS of help from our also similarly trusted, non-governmental, oath-bound professionals in the legal and medical fields - how nice of them to help out - for free do you think?
How much of the BILLIONS that were looted from the State of California went to them?
This conspiracy to avoid jail led to a far-reaching "Mafia-like Code of Silence" - which whether enforced by complicity's guilt or imposed on others by methods including invitations to the game of "career jeopardy" or simple but effective brute force including beatings and harassment on and off the job if you didn't go along.
Whatever the reason, it became "okie-dokie" to stay silent as Corruption spread on-the-job via White Collar Crime till it encompassed the entire village or in this case, most if not all of the cities, counties and possibly the entire State of California in one way or another.
Personally, I view Corruption of the Process and Rule Law in California as a situation akin to "look, the emperor has no clothes," as we just collectively ignore that it's there and happening as we think speak and drool as the passive sheeples many of us voters seem to be.
Corruption has merely become societies bastard child - nobody wants to see it, acknowledge its existence, report it, dare think how much it's really costing society much less each of us individually.
In great part, it’s due to the mafia-esque "Code of Silence" among all who "serve themselves instead of the Public's Trust". Can you really trust those who have been known for so long to serve themselves instead of the Public's Trust? What of the fact that even those who do not commit crimes still maintain Silence about what others do illegally - that's illegal too.
IMHO, the people have long been brainwashed by the politicians, media and special interests involved - each for their own collective and individual reasons - mostly having to do with political or financial power, your money and your rights - be they worker's compensation, constitutional, civil or human rights all included.
But that's probably no surprise, is it? White collar crime is one of those many little things we allow in our daily life but do nothing about... (dishonesty, oath-breaking, etc). It’s considered "normal" and most people think "I’m only doing my job" - we need some real consciousness raising, some values clarification so people see what’s really going on and how they have long been indoctrinated – even brain-washed into believing wrong is right.
See, it ain't just the corporations and the people in them screwing up this nation - compare this to how the "Civil Service Elite" of California (orchestrated by elected and un-elected, high ranking mangers and even MANY in the rank and file) conspired to loot the Public's Trust and the Public's Treasury in California - meaning they looted billions via unfair and illegal activities that included open lies, oath-breaking and other dishonorable acts. Worker’s comp isn't the only funding source impacted as dishonesty in one funding source generally begets dishonesty over-all.
These "illegitimate activities" by and for the "selected many" (principally elected public officials and many of those involved in or with civil service - think mangers, prison guards, the law enforcement unions and a cast of thousands) also led to usury wages and benefits - benefits including, for example - one year of - "at their own discretion" - "free wages and benefits" for the CHP (California Highway Patrol). I call this 5150 time, because it's crazy they get it and crazy we allow it.
Further, I understand this free year of money and benefits also counts towards their retirement pension. However it is really named,
I call it 5150 time - it's crazy but it's free time that nobody else in this state gets, and OUR elected legislature voted for this?
We The People of California have allowed ourselves to be duped, conned by those who seek to profit off their logic of lies and half truths by people who support the dishonest, two-tiered society we have become for they profit off white collar crime in one way or another.
We are supposed to ALL have EQUAL RIGHTS in this state yet we have a Constitution that is being wildly manipulated by those who seek to minimize your rights for personal gain and this has gone on openly in a state-sanctioned fashion for not just years but for decades and generations since at least 1913.
In an odd fashion, what I am reporting is a loss of various and multiple Constitutional Rights including but not limited to: your very Freedom of Speech; Due Process; Equal Opportunity; your various disability protections; the right to equal treatment under the law; your tort rights and more (civil procedures vs. worker's comp courts/laws).
Even the constitutional manner in which the constitution of California is to be modified has been abused in the way the legislature faked lawful passage of worker's comp in 1913, and that single action - IMHO - led to most of the then high-level corruption in this state that then led to it trickling down to the rank and file and others, such as many in our professional classes and on into the city and county levels. (Think Bell, Hawthorne, and how many more?)
Your elected and un-elected civil servants have “bent” the Process of how the Law is applied and to and for whom it's applied to/for or not. Discrimination in any form is wrong, especially as crimes committed by so-called "blue-collar" workers of this state have been treated so overly harshly as compared to White Collar Crime.
You realize of course that if nobody discovers most white collar crimes within the Statutes of Limitations (SOL) within what, 3-4 years - well, they who commit or conceal White Collar Crime get off Scot free if their crime isn't discovered within those few years.
Blue-Collar workers - do they get a free get-out-of-jail card or a Statute of Limitations to protect them from jail? To make a point - in comparison, Blue Collar Workers are SOL but it's not quite the same as having one.
That Code of Silence - maybe White Collar Criminals shouldn't have to pay the price for their crimes - but each of you has a voice and a vote - I suggest you use them if this information disturbs you - in fact I suggest each of you forward this to your personal legislator on the city, county or state level and demand to know the truth about White Collar Crime in their political arena - where it has happened, how much it has cost and where the criminal charges are. If they plead SOL, do not accept the “SOL” or Statutes of Limitations arguments as they can CHANGE THE LAW and erase the SOL's that only allow White Collar Crooks to avoid their just due - punishment under the law.
Change: "Ora na azu nwa"
Saturday, April 14, 2012
hold california's judges accountable - do not give them immunity for their actions.
oh good grief - immunize california's judges from legal action? about "every judge" i used to work with at several WCAB's was "crooked as hell" (and you can quote me) inre the then state wide-civil service pension scam that was sponsored by STATE FUND, a rogue california state agency. these unelected judges of california OPENLY allowed the cities, counties and state agencies like the CHP to abuse workers compensation life pensions for tax shelters they didn't deserve. these judges literally aided and abetted he looting of billions from those who actually deserved the benefits yet were told no, the money isn't there.
the reason the money isn't there is that many of the JUDGE$ of california sold out. sure, give them immunity from prosecution, they get away with murder as it is, right judge david lauerman? judge david butler?
Lawyer Sues for Right to Sue Judges
SACRAMENTO (CN) - A law office claims in a federal class action that a section of a bill proposed in a state Senate bill unconstitutionally prohibits citizens from taking legal action against judges.
Lead plaintiff Nina Ringgold, filing for herself and on behalf of her clients, claims that Section 5 of Senate Bill X2 11, which was filed in February, "purports to grant retroactive immunity notwithstanding the United States Constitution or federal law, and in disregard of whether the relief sought by the aggrieved person is under the United States Constitution or federal law, and it purports to amend or revise the California Constitution without the required constitutional procedures."
Ringgold claims there is a "constitutional conflict and dispute between state and local agencies and the Commission on Judicial Performance, which prohibit the plaintiffs and citizens of the State of California from taking action to preserve their legal and constitutional rights."
She claims that the "fact that the proceedings are being conducted without a valid or authorized judicial function in accord with the California Constitution should be disclosed to the litigants and they should be afforded an opportunity to decline to participate in the unconstitutional condition. Currently the courts where supplemental payment by the county without constitutional authority leads to a private organization housed in facilities owned and operated by the state. It would be one thing if this was a theoretical exercise, however, citizens who have been forced to participate in this unconstitutional enterprise (without disclosure) have been deprived of equal protection, due process, and fair proceedings consistent with the law."
Ringgold claims there have been an "overwhelming number of grievances arising in the probate department and other areas. This is not just about budget matters but rather involve existing and severe constitutional structural problems. The probate department of the County of Los Angeles has a direct economic stake in the operation of the probate department (including through attorney fees, estate administration fees by the County Public Administrator (not an elected official), and other fees.
Ringgold and co-plaintiff Justin Ringgold-Lockhart, her adult son and a client of her office, say they "have a constitutionally protected legal and property interest in the persons designated as owning the intangible property right in the power of appointment and discretion in a private family trust."
They claim the state Senate bill "is being applied as a penalty for raising legitimate grievances concerning discrimination and operation of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, concerning the discriminatory operation of the probate department, and to impair Ringgold's ability to practice her profession."
Ringgold's complaint states that both she and her son are African-American.
The complaint states: "Through a nonappealable order the Los Angeles Superior Court appointed a trustee without bond who is liquidating a private family trust. The primary unencumbered and revenue generating real estate assets of the trust were sold in one of the worst real estate markets in United States history. While and [sic] the named trustee and counsel of record, plaintiff Ringgold used proper procedures to attempt to prevent the adverse sale she was determined to be a vexatious litigant in the first instance in the California Court of Appeal [sic]. The determination was made when no motion was ever filed in the state trial court in accord with the statutory due process procedures mandated by statute and it was made in the first instance in the appellate court to a named trustee and counsel of record when there would be no opportunity for appellate review."
Ringgold claims it is unconstitutional for a "single justice of the state appellate court to render a determination of whether an appeal has merit and has been filed for purposes of harassment or delay when no statutory due process motion has been filed."
Ringgold claims that after she "encountered a medical emergency and although acting as counsel of record, in order to penalize Ringgold for exercising her First Amendment rights and limit the legal issues which could be raised by clients of the Law Office, the court imposed a pre-filing requirement ... in order to seek an accommodation for disability." In cases that she was counsel of record, her clients "have been required to obtain court approval to file pleadings in pending litigation," the lawsuit claims.
Ringgold sued Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General Kamala Harris, the Commission on Judicial Performance of the State of California, and State Auditor Elaine Howle.
She seeks to "establish a grievance procedure (including with respect to ADA requests, civil appeals, court reporter's department, an other matters), and method of monitoring and that the procedure be transparent to allow input from the public." She also seeks a special investigation into the Los Angeles County Superior Court probate department, and a "performance, financial, and investigative audit of the courts impacted by self-effectuating resignations."
Ringgold, of Northridge, filed the case pro se.
the reason the money isn't there is that many of the JUDGE$ of california sold out. sure, give them immunity from prosecution, they get away with murder as it is, right judge david lauerman? judge david butler?
Lawyer Sues for Right to Sue Judges
SACRAMENTO (CN) - A law office claims in a federal class action that a section of a bill proposed in a state Senate bill unconstitutionally prohibits citizens from taking legal action against judges.
Lead plaintiff Nina Ringgold, filing for herself and on behalf of her clients, claims that Section 5 of Senate Bill X2 11, which was filed in February, "purports to grant retroactive immunity notwithstanding the United States Constitution or federal law, and in disregard of whether the relief sought by the aggrieved person is under the United States Constitution or federal law, and it purports to amend or revise the California Constitution without the required constitutional procedures."
Ringgold claims there is a "constitutional conflict and dispute between state and local agencies and the Commission on Judicial Performance, which prohibit the plaintiffs and citizens of the State of California from taking action to preserve their legal and constitutional rights."
She claims that the "fact that the proceedings are being conducted without a valid or authorized judicial function in accord with the California Constitution should be disclosed to the litigants and they should be afforded an opportunity to decline to participate in the unconstitutional condition. Currently the courts where supplemental payment by the county without constitutional authority leads to a private organization housed in facilities owned and operated by the state. It would be one thing if this was a theoretical exercise, however, citizens who have been forced to participate in this unconstitutional enterprise (without disclosure) have been deprived of equal protection, due process, and fair proceedings consistent with the law."
Ringgold claims there have been an "overwhelming number of grievances arising in the probate department and other areas. This is not just about budget matters but rather involve existing and severe constitutional structural problems. The probate department of the County of Los Angeles has a direct economic stake in the operation of the probate department (including through attorney fees, estate administration fees by the County Public Administrator (not an elected official), and other fees.
Ringgold and co-plaintiff Justin Ringgold-Lockhart, her adult son and a client of her office, say they "have a constitutionally protected legal and property interest in the persons designated as owning the intangible property right in the power of appointment and discretion in a private family trust."
They claim the state Senate bill "is being applied as a penalty for raising legitimate grievances concerning discrimination and operation of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, concerning the discriminatory operation of the probate department, and to impair Ringgold's ability to practice her profession."
Ringgold's complaint states that both she and her son are African-American.
The complaint states: "Through a nonappealable order the Los Angeles Superior Court appointed a trustee without bond who is liquidating a private family trust. The primary unencumbered and revenue generating real estate assets of the trust were sold in one of the worst real estate markets in United States history. While and [sic] the named trustee and counsel of record, plaintiff Ringgold used proper procedures to attempt to prevent the adverse sale she was determined to be a vexatious litigant in the first instance in the California Court of Appeal [sic]. The determination was made when no motion was ever filed in the state trial court in accord with the statutory due process procedures mandated by statute and it was made in the first instance in the appellate court to a named trustee and counsel of record when there would be no opportunity for appellate review."
Ringgold claims it is unconstitutional for a "single justice of the state appellate court to render a determination of whether an appeal has merit and has been filed for purposes of harassment or delay when no statutory due process motion has been filed."
Ringgold claims that after she "encountered a medical emergency and although acting as counsel of record, in order to penalize Ringgold for exercising her First Amendment rights and limit the legal issues which could be raised by clients of the Law Office, the court imposed a pre-filing requirement ... in order to seek an accommodation for disability." In cases that she was counsel of record, her clients "have been required to obtain court approval to file pleadings in pending litigation," the lawsuit claims.
Ringgold sued Gov. Jerry Brown, Attorney General Kamala Harris, the Commission on Judicial Performance of the State of California, and State Auditor Elaine Howle.
She seeks to "establish a grievance procedure (including with respect to ADA requests, civil appeals, court reporter's department, an other matters), and method of monitoring and that the procedure be transparent to allow input from the public." She also seeks a special investigation into the Los Angeles County Superior Court probate department, and a "performance, financial, and investigative audit of the courts impacted by self-effectuating resignations."
Ringgold, of Northridge, filed the case pro se.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Putting a Face on White Collar Crime in California: Thomas J. Butts, Attorney at Law
Putting a Face on White Collar Crime in California:
Thomas J. Butts, Attorney at Law\chief moral coward and legal relativist of Butts and Johnson, Attorneys at Law in San Jose.
After working with hundreds of attorneys over the years, I can honestly say that he is the most dishonest attorney that to date, I ever met or worked with.
Tom is also Past President of the California Bar Association, Oath-breakers and Fraud Sub-Section often referred to as: Applicant Attorney's Association.
Tom was my attorney for over 20 years, and despite my entreaties to obey his oath and follow the law and aide me openly like his oath demanded - instead, he openly (for personal gain and profit and to avoid jail himself) allowed White Collar Crime to "go un-noticed" on his watch as my personal attorney whom I fired 4 times yet took back after his groveling and promising to "do it right - I promise!"
Gosh was that my mistake, trusting Thomas J. Butts to honor his oath, his given word - and his hand, also given and taken - in trust... (the sound of me spitting).
Yep, he surely did do that and not only broke his oath, he shattered it openly and PROUDLY to make a buck and to keep a dishonest system of law intact so all the other attorneys he knew and conspired with could also get rich while avoiding jail for doing it illegally.
He allowed Chief's Disease - pensions spiking via illegal worker's compensation claims by the law enforcement groups of California - to loot the state, literally, and of billions of dollars, not just thousands, not even merely millions but billions - and all on his watch.
He allowed my managers at State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF, State Fund) to loot the state via illegal worker's comp claims that he could not and would not report due to a HUGE conflict of interest in his (and many others) wanting to break the law to get rich. Why, he was so political, he even parlayed the information he obtained as part of his pretending to represent me from me in confidence to "advance" politically and socially among the ranks of attorneys to become President of the Applicant Attorneys Association, subsection Oath-Breakers and Fraud unit.
Hey but he ain't much worse than one of his partners who one of my P.I.'s caught on film, it was his own film noir, call it "riding bareback, or in the saddle again."
My boss Robert Quaid simply laughed when I suggested we report the attorney for ethics violations (and for filing a fraudulent case just to get laid). He only kept the film and report in case he wanted to blackmail that attorney someday - that's how it worked in Civil Service where I worked - although I guess it wasn't really very civil now, was it?
When I confronted Tom and his partner about criminal activity against their oaths, one never spoke to me again over catching him "in flagrant delicto" (and from all reports, lapping it up).
Thomas J. Butts was so dishonest, he allowed the evil managers at the San Jose Office of State Fund to abuse me physically and emotionally on the job simply for trying to OBEY OATHS, NOT BREAK THEM and he even allowed attempted murder on my person by those sent after me by an attorney now a sitting San Jose WCAB Judge.
Who says crime doesn't pay - as long as it is "only" White Collar Crime, or you work with Thomas J. Butts, it sure as hell does.
Thomas J. Butts, to whom an oath is "less than the sound that comes from a bell, tolling..."
Thomas J. Butts, Attorney at Law\chief moral coward and legal relativist of Butts and Johnson, Attorneys at Law in San Jose.
After working with hundreds of attorneys over the years, I can honestly say that he is the most dishonest attorney that to date, I ever met or worked with.
Tom is also Past President of the California Bar Association, Oath-breakers and Fraud Sub-Section often referred to as: Applicant Attorney's Association.
Tom was my attorney for over 20 years, and despite my entreaties to obey his oath and follow the law and aide me openly like his oath demanded - instead, he openly (for personal gain and profit and to avoid jail himself) allowed White Collar Crime to "go un-noticed" on his watch as my personal attorney whom I fired 4 times yet took back after his groveling and promising to "do it right - I promise!"
Gosh was that my mistake, trusting Thomas J. Butts to honor his oath, his given word - and his hand, also given and taken - in trust... (the sound of me spitting).
Yep, he surely did do that and not only broke his oath, he shattered it openly and PROUDLY to make a buck and to keep a dishonest system of law intact so all the other attorneys he knew and conspired with could also get rich while avoiding jail for doing it illegally.
He allowed Chief's Disease - pensions spiking via illegal worker's compensation claims by the law enforcement groups of California - to loot the state, literally, and of billions of dollars, not just thousands, not even merely millions but billions - and all on his watch.
He allowed my managers at State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF, State Fund) to loot the state via illegal worker's comp claims that he could not and would not report due to a HUGE conflict of interest in his (and many others) wanting to break the law to get rich. Why, he was so political, he even parlayed the information he obtained as part of his pretending to represent me from me in confidence to "advance" politically and socially among the ranks of attorneys to become President of the Applicant Attorneys Association, subsection Oath-Breakers and Fraud unit.
Hey but he ain't much worse than one of his partners who one of my P.I.'s caught on film, it was his own film noir, call it "riding bareback, or in the saddle again."
My boss Robert Quaid simply laughed when I suggested we report the attorney for ethics violations (and for filing a fraudulent case just to get laid). He only kept the film and report in case he wanted to blackmail that attorney someday - that's how it worked in Civil Service where I worked - although I guess it wasn't really very civil now, was it?
When I confronted Tom and his partner about criminal activity against their oaths, one never spoke to me again over catching him "in flagrant delicto" (and from all reports, lapping it up).
Thomas J. Butts was so dishonest, he allowed the evil managers at the San Jose Office of State Fund to abuse me physically and emotionally on the job simply for trying to OBEY OATHS, NOT BREAK THEM and he even allowed attempted murder on my person by those sent after me by an attorney now a sitting San Jose WCAB Judge.
Who says crime doesn't pay - as long as it is "only" White Collar Crime, or you work with Thomas J. Butts, it sure as hell does.
Thomas J. Butts, to whom an oath is "less than the sound that comes from a bell, tolling..."
Saturday, February 4, 2012
putting a face on white collar crime in california: Judge David Lauerman
putting a face on white collar crime in california:
judge david lauerman of the san jose wcab - when he was an attorney in 1987, he literally blackmailed my managers at state fund over the CHP Pension scandal (threatened to publicly expose Chief's Disease). i was in court, watching, the day we literally bribed a judge to help david win a case that gave him the reputation that pointed him right to an early seat as a judge; pity he had to use blackmail to get there.
i estimate his dishonesty and lack of ethics cost the taxpayers of california OVER 1 billion dollars as i estimate such things. the case he "had to win" at "all costs" was over the right to worker's compensation for ALL illegal aliens in the state - which he obtained for them, albeit illegally.
once he won his case he and his partner (in conspiracy/collusion) with attorney j. andrew mckenna then sought to loot the state with fake claims using a recruiter to find them people willing to cheat the system, all illegally, but the managers at State Fund were paying simply to avoid exposure, loss of power, job and pension
judge david lauerman of the san jose wcab - when he was an attorney in 1987, he literally blackmailed my managers at state fund over the CHP Pension scandal (threatened to publicly expose Chief's Disease). i was in court, watching, the day we literally bribed a judge to help david win a case that gave him the reputation that pointed him right to an early seat as a judge; pity he had to use blackmail to get there.
i estimate his dishonesty and lack of ethics cost the taxpayers of california OVER 1 billion dollars as i estimate such things. the case he "had to win" at "all costs" was over the right to worker's compensation for ALL illegal aliens in the state - which he obtained for them, albeit illegally.
once he won his case he and his partner (in conspiracy/collusion) with attorney j. andrew mckenna then sought to loot the state with fake claims using a recruiter to find them people willing to cheat the system, all illegally, but the managers at State Fund were paying simply to avoid exposure, loss of power, job and pension
Putting a face on White Collar Crime in California: Geri Madden
Putting a face on White Collar Crime in California: Geri Madden - former claims manager and district office manager of the san jose district offic of state fund.
Back when Geri Madden was a claims manager at State Fund, she presided over the rape of my union and made us bribe a judge to hide the CHP Pension Scandal (Chief’s Disease) – this was in 1987 when, per their OWN internal figures, a completely illegal claim by anyone in California's law enforcement unions literally cost the taxpayers an AVERAGE of $250,000 plus the uncountable cost to our nation of an illegal tax shelter which was the whole point of the illegal worker’s compensation claim in the first place as it also allowed similarly illegal access to Medicare and Social Security/SSDI.
Geri allowed attorneys and doctors to send people after me with guns when I told them I thought it was all very illegal and tried to make them follow ...the Rule of Law, but since the Law is still above the Rule of Law in California, Geri got away with destroying a whole industry and rose to tremendous heights of power within arguably the most corrupt state agency in the whole country – State Fund (SCIF, State Compensation Insurance Fund), where she was at the San Jose District Office of the fund and at one time worked to “influence the legislator on issues important to SCIF” (her own words to me). I bet she did real well on that.
Her traitorous disloyalty to the American dream involved what are now considered terrorist acts on American soil – she is one of the major reasons State Fund looted 3.5 to 10 billion dollars from the taxpayers of California and uncounted amounts more are being denied fair taxation due to all the illegal tax shelters she handed out – how very efficient she was and I’ll wager her pension will be far higher than anyone who worked for an honest living.
Only in America…
Back when Geri Madden was a claims manager at State Fund, she presided over the rape of my union and made us bribe a judge to hide the CHP Pension Scandal (Chief’s Disease) – this was in 1987 when, per their OWN internal figures, a completely illegal claim by anyone in California's law enforcement unions literally cost the taxpayers an AVERAGE of $250,000 plus the uncountable cost to our nation of an illegal tax shelter which was the whole point of the illegal worker’s compensation claim in the first place as it also allowed similarly illegal access to Medicare and Social Security/SSDI.
Geri allowed attorneys and doctors to send people after me with guns when I told them I thought it was all very illegal and tried to make them follow ...the Rule of Law, but since the Law is still above the Rule of Law in California, Geri got away with destroying a whole industry and rose to tremendous heights of power within arguably the most corrupt state agency in the whole country – State Fund (SCIF, State Compensation Insurance Fund), where she was at the San Jose District Office of the fund and at one time worked to “influence the legislator on issues important to SCIF” (her own words to me). I bet she did real well on that.
Her traitorous disloyalty to the American dream involved what are now considered terrorist acts on American soil – she is one of the major reasons State Fund looted 3.5 to 10 billion dollars from the taxpayers of California and uncounted amounts more are being denied fair taxation due to all the illegal tax shelters she handed out – how very efficient she was and I’ll wager her pension will be far higher than anyone who worked for an honest living.
Only in America…
Charles W. Savage: "Demoted in the Scandal Days"
Demoted in the Scandal Days
Former SCIF General Counsel Calls It Quits
Former SCIF General Counsel Calls It Quits
Charles W. Savage, assistant chief counsel for large litigation at State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF), is retiring this month after 31 years at SCIF. Savage was a former vice president and general counsel at SCIF until he was demoted after a well-publicized scandal involving former SCIF president Jim Tudor and other management. Savage was Tudor’s right-hand man. Savage’s retirement closes another old scandal-plagued chapter at the workers’ comp carrier.
According to SCIF president Janet Frank, Savage made the decision himself.
Savage attended the University of California at Berkeley and went to law school at the New College of California SOL in San Francisco, which closed its doors in 2008. According to the college’s website:
“Since 1971, New College of California has been a San Francisco beacon for political activists, misunderstood artists, hippie freaks and students wanting to design individual educations away from the constraints of conventional institutions.” No, we’re not kidding, this is really what the website says.
One of the industry’s long-standing problems with SCIF has been SCIF’s choice of cases to litigate and appeal. It’s always been thought generally that SCIF litigated cases that cost the industry. Had it picked cases with better facts, instead of trying to beat up claimants and lawyers it was mad at, it would have had far better outcomes.
“Maybe with the infusion of new blood and a fresh perspective at the top of SCIF’s legal department, not every legal issue will deteriorate into a ‘scorched earth, take no prisoners’ approach.” – Drew Pomerance, partner with Roxborough, Pomerance & Nye, and frequent SCIF opponent
Savage was also responsible in part for choosing and using outside counsel and running up record legal bills in areas of law not concerned with workers’ comp. Industry experts find that unusual for a mono-line workers’ comp carrier. In its most notorious case, SCIF sued Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi and the California Department of Insurance over jurisdictional issues.
As head of major litigation, Savage was responsible for prosecuting some of SCIF’s biggest civil losses, notably the Palm Medical case, in which the carrier was found to have acted like a bully—violating fair procedure—toward a medical clinic it tried to exclude from its Fresno-area provider network. Schaefer Ambulance was another case where SCIF was eventually forced to settle and fork over almost $24 million. The class action revolved around the contention that SCIF was improperly reporting medical-legal expenses to the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau, driving up employer X-Mods.
In 2003, SCIF contended that it did not fall under the rubric of Risk-Based Capital (RBC) standards as do other carriers. It also said that the Garamendi department had no right to conserve and liquidate SCIF should it fall below RBC standards. SCIF lost that case after shelling out $1.6 million in legal fees to the law firm of Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton.
Drew Pomerance, partner with Roxborough, Pomerance & Nye, and frequent SCIF opponent, had this to say:
“I wish Charles the very best in his retirement. I am hopeful that his retirement will result in a shift in how SCIF approaches legal issues, and how they treat their policyholders. Maybe with the infusion of new blood and a fresh perspective at the top of SCIF’s legal department, not every legal issue will deteriorate into a ‘scorched earth, take no prisoners’ approach, and instead SCIF will look toward solving problems in a way that is mutually beneficial for both itself and its policyholders.”
Savage did not return calls for comment.
Transparency Ethics Notice: As part of another company, Workers’ Comp Executive Publisher Dale Debber has been in litigation with SCIF, which was under Savage’s direction. The litigation is settled
civil service - the crimes they won't talk about
i accuse my former co-workers at a state agency, STATE FUND, of extremely abusive conduct against me peronally including conspiracy to commit and conceal - among other things - attempted murder to try to keep me from exposing what criminal activities went on there and still go on as they continue to conspire to avoid discovery for crimes not only against me, but against the public and it's trust in how they were supposed to make decisions about benefits and dollars that they were entrusted with.
and what did they do other than loot the state of billions - 3.5 to 10 billion to be more precise.
now, unless people speak up and demand the truth, i will be forced to go silent due to health issues from claims adjustors and attorneys manipulating the rule of law to silence me by abusing my medical care and hiding behind governmental status so people who committed criminal acts wouldn't go to jail.
and all i did was to try to stop white collar crime costing the taxpayers billions.
only in amerika - write or call the attorney general and govenor of california, demand i receive justice for if i do not get it, what will all of you get some day when its your turn for "justice...."
and what did they do other than loot the state of billions - 3.5 to 10 billion to be more precise.
now, unless people speak up and demand the truth, i will be forced to go silent due to health issues from claims adjustors and attorneys manipulating the rule of law to silence me by abusing my medical care and hiding behind governmental status so people who committed criminal acts wouldn't go to jail.
and all i did was to try to stop white collar crime costing the taxpayers billions.
only in amerika - write or call the attorney general and govenor of california, demand i receive justice for if i do not get it, what will all of you get some day when its your turn for "justice...."
Putting a face on White Collar Crime in California - Robert Quaid
Putting a face on White Collar Crime in California:
I first met Robert “Baby-Face Bobbie” Quaid just after he transferred from policy (sales) into claims as a claims adjustor. He was part of the secret group that helped management subvert the Process of Law by convincing our entire claims department (and literally our entire district office) that “we had to bribe a judge because we broke the law and made ‘huge mistakes’ that could send us all to jail and I certainly don’t want to go to jail for what we did.”
For his complicity in helping management conspire to bribe a judge and cover up the multiple, state-sanctioned criminal endeavors that went on at State Fund state-wide (that added up to billions of dollars) , Baby-Face Bobbie Quaid’s future was assured – first he was made our internal investigator and thus put in charge of hiding schemes to loot the state that were officially state-sanctioned – those by managers, the law enforcement unions, doctors, applicant attorneys and of course, the judges.
I know he hid these schemes because I reported a goodly number of them to him directly. He would only laugh each time I told him I would report whatever it is he refused to take action on, saying things like: “what are you going to do, report me to the CHP?” He was safe, protected, knowing that he – “The Law” - was safely “Above The Law” because “The Law” was involved in activities against “The Process of Law” and thus it was all okie-dokie with everyone I ever talked to about it or reported it to.
To the best of my recollection, he only reported fraudulent claims committed by individual workers and not those created officially by the multiple and various types of state-sanctioned fraud that went on state-wide at SCIF. To my direct knowledge, he refused to report crooked professionals who broke the law and/or profited illegally in some way – this included many doctors, even more lawyers and to my surprise and shock, a growing number of judges as I found them – 30 or so to date.
Similarly, he refused to report the official, state-sanctioned abuse of migrant farm workers; the abuses and tax frauds committed by farmers and other employers; our attempts to bribe and manipulate politicians, appointees or others in government or even Chief’s Disease – all of which were approved or tolerated, caused by and/or protected by the very people I worked with and reported it to in a manner that made me speculate about racketeering in a global sense after discovering how far it all extended.
I viewed it all as a hugely unconstitutional, human and civil rights violation situation with the added onus of having an illegal tax fraud conspiracy included as the probable basis for it all and reported it all as such to no avail.
As reward for what he was willing to do to keep me quiet in open retaliation for my being a whistle blower and trying to stop white collar crime, he was fast-tracked into various management slots, eventually rising to claims manager and no doubt by now rising even higher thanks to his “unique skill set” and for “what he was willing to do”.
Who says white collar crime doesn’t pay in state service – just ask “Baby-Face, the man with the flexible values.”
I first met Robert “Baby-Face Bobbie” Quaid just after he transferred from policy (sales) into claims as a claims adjustor. He was part of the secret group that helped management subvert the Process of Law by convincing our entire claims department (and literally our entire district office) that “we had to bribe a judge because we broke the law and made ‘huge mistakes’ that could send us all to jail and I certainly don’t want to go to jail for what we did.”
For his complicity in helping management conspire to bribe a judge and cover up the multiple, state-sanctioned criminal endeavors that went on at State Fund state-wide (that added up to billions of dollars) , Baby-Face Bobbie Quaid’s future was assured – first he was made our internal investigator and thus put in charge of hiding schemes to loot the state that were officially state-sanctioned – those by managers, the law enforcement unions, doctors, applicant attorneys and of course, the judges.
I know he hid these schemes because I reported a goodly number of them to him directly. He would only laugh each time I told him I would report whatever it is he refused to take action on, saying things like: “what are you going to do, report me to the CHP?” He was safe, protected, knowing that he – “The Law” - was safely “Above The Law” because “The Law” was involved in activities against “The Process of Law” and thus it was all okie-dokie with everyone I ever talked to about it or reported it to.
To the best of my recollection, he only reported fraudulent claims committed by individual workers and not those created officially by the multiple and various types of state-sanctioned fraud that went on state-wide at SCIF. To my direct knowledge, he refused to report crooked professionals who broke the law and/or profited illegally in some way – this included many doctors, even more lawyers and to my surprise and shock, a growing number of judges as I found them – 30 or so to date.
Similarly, he refused to report the official, state-sanctioned abuse of migrant farm workers; the abuses and tax frauds committed by farmers and other employers; our attempts to bribe and manipulate politicians, appointees or others in government or even Chief’s Disease – all of which were approved or tolerated, caused by and/or protected by the very people I worked with and reported it to in a manner that made me speculate about racketeering in a global sense after discovering how far it all extended.
I viewed it all as a hugely unconstitutional, human and civil rights violation situation with the added onus of having an illegal tax fraud conspiracy included as the probable basis for it all and reported it all as such to no avail.
As reward for what he was willing to do to keep me quiet in open retaliation for my being a whistle blower and trying to stop white collar crime, he was fast-tracked into various management slots, eventually rising to claims manager and no doubt by now rising even higher thanks to his “unique skill set” and for “what he was willing to do”.
Who says white collar crime doesn’t pay in state service – just ask “Baby-Face, the man with the flexible values.”
James Tudor: is every high ranking manager at SCIF Corrupt?
Tudor Shown the Door After Internal Investigation
State Compensation Insurance Fund's board of directors, at the onset of what promises to become a bigger scandal, has fired the insurer's president, Jim C. Tudor, and his long-time ally Renee Koren. She was vice president of group insurance programs. The firings come on the heels of an internal investigation ordered by the governor's office. An interim president has been appointed from the outside.
Highly placed officials within the government indicate more bombs are expected to fall as the outcome of the investigation becomes clearer. State Fund management and operations, including its group programs, came under scrutiny last year after theExecutive uncovered the veil of secrecy and Tammany Hall-style political intrigue and possible payoffs that have surrounded the group safety program scheme for years.
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner told theExecutive "The State Fund is a high priority for me." He said that it has been a struggle for the Department to work with State Fund for many years because of former SCIF management's recalcitrant attitudes. "The Legislature clarified our role last year. I am happy to be working with the governor's office and the State Fund's board to fully implement the kind of changes that are necessary to protect so many of California's injured workers and employers."
Employees Notified
State Fund employees were notified of the dismissals at 5:05 pm yesterday in an unprecedented internal email from Jeanne Cain, chairwoman of State Fund's board. She admonished employees to steer clear of any contact the ousted duo.
"Effective immediately, Jim Tudor and Renee Koren have resigned from State Fund and are no longer involved in any aspect of State Fund operations," the memo reads. "Therefore all communication with them regarding State Fund matters must cease. No employee is permitted to communicate in any way with Mr. Tudor or Ms. Koren regarding any subject involving State Fund."
Never before has any board member communicated directly with the employees of State Fund. The move was welcomed by many employees as bold and efficient. The tenor of the email has many employees postulating that the investigation has turned criminal. No indictments or arrests have been made.
New President
The board of directors will announce the interim president later today. It will be Lawrence 'Larry' Mulryan, former director of the California Insurance Guarantee Association.
Mulryan is well known, highly respected, and has integrity beyond reproach. He will be credible to both the Insurance Department and Legislature and brings with him the kind of respectability that will be needed as the continuing scandal unfolds.
One highly placed State Fund official told theExecutive the regular board meeting was cancelled and then held without Jim [Tudor]. "We knew then that something was up," he said.
Tudor had stacked the executive committee, as the group of vice presidents is called, with his own appointments and lobbied former presidents Dianne C. Oki and Kenneth C. Bollier for many of its present members. Many of them are likely loyal to Tudor.
In fact, State Fund vice president and general counsel Charles Savage was who all management audit reports went to. Savage was hand-picked by Tudor and reported to Tudor including on these management audit issues.
"Tudor was a master manipulator," the executive says. "No one was surprised that he made it come out so he got the presidency." Koren was under Tudor's wing for years and is infamous among staff for her take-no-prisoners management style. The executive says that many of the vice presidents spoke badly about Koren "when she wasn't around." Interviews with the investigation team bear this out, he says.
Neither Tudor nor Koren could be reached for comment.
Others Expected To Leave
Highly placed sources within the government tell theExecutive that others on the executive committee are expected to leave in the near future, but as retirees. The sources say that the message is clear that cooperative retirements are likely better than the alternative.
The dismissals came after a two-month probe by the board, which had tapped two outside law firms to investigate, State Fund sources tell the Executive.
This was possible only after two board members, Frank Del Re and Kent Dagg, both of who operate State Fund safety groups, were forced to resign by the governor's office due to conflict of interest allegations. Those allegations were brought to light last year by the Workers' Comp Executive which reported that the board would be voting to increase commissions on group business, which would directly have benefited Del Re and Dagg. State Fund pays fees based on premium volume to group administrators.
Tudor has for years had a close relationship with Del Re, whose Western Insurance Administrators administers workers' compensation groups for seven trade associations. Del re is a former State Fund employee.
"Our president has been fired in disgrace and the lady who hired me was fired in disgrace too," one State Fund staffer, who requested anonymity, says. "Finally after all of these years State Fund employees are vindicated."
So is the integrity of the State Fund
State Compensation Insurance Fund's board of directors, at the onset of what promises to become a bigger scandal, has fired the insurer's president, Jim C. Tudor, and his long-time ally Renee Koren. She was vice president of group insurance programs. The firings come on the heels of an internal investigation ordered by the governor's office. An interim president has been appointed from the outside.
Highly placed officials within the government indicate more bombs are expected to fall as the outcome of the investigation becomes clearer. State Fund management and operations, including its group programs, came under scrutiny last year after theExecutive uncovered the veil of secrecy and Tammany Hall-style political intrigue and possible payoffs that have surrounded the group safety program scheme for years.
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner told theExecutive "The State Fund is a high priority for me." He said that it has been a struggle for the Department to work with State Fund for many years because of former SCIF management's recalcitrant attitudes. "The Legislature clarified our role last year. I am happy to be working with the governor's office and the State Fund's board to fully implement the kind of changes that are necessary to protect so many of California's injured workers and employers."
Employees Notified
State Fund employees were notified of the dismissals at 5:05 pm yesterday in an unprecedented internal email from Jeanne Cain, chairwoman of State Fund's board. She admonished employees to steer clear of any contact the ousted duo.
"Effective immediately, Jim Tudor and Renee Koren have resigned from State Fund and are no longer involved in any aspect of State Fund operations," the memo reads. "Therefore all communication with them regarding State Fund matters must cease. No employee is permitted to communicate in any way with Mr. Tudor or Ms. Koren regarding any subject involving State Fund."
Never before has any board member communicated directly with the employees of State Fund. The move was welcomed by many employees as bold and efficient. The tenor of the email has many employees postulating that the investigation has turned criminal. No indictments or arrests have been made.
New President
The board of directors will announce the interim president later today. It will be Lawrence 'Larry' Mulryan, former director of the California Insurance Guarantee Association.
Mulryan is well known, highly respected, and has integrity beyond reproach. He will be credible to both the Insurance Department and Legislature and brings with him the kind of respectability that will be needed as the continuing scandal unfolds.
One highly placed State Fund official told theExecutive the regular board meeting was cancelled and then held without Jim [Tudor]. "We knew then that something was up," he said.
Tudor had stacked the executive committee, as the group of vice presidents is called, with his own appointments and lobbied former presidents Dianne C. Oki and Kenneth C. Bollier for many of its present members. Many of them are likely loyal to Tudor.
In fact, State Fund vice president and general counsel Charles Savage was who all management audit reports went to. Savage was hand-picked by Tudor and reported to Tudor including on these management audit issues.
"Tudor was a master manipulator," the executive says. "No one was surprised that he made it come out so he got the presidency." Koren was under Tudor's wing for years and is infamous among staff for her take-no-prisoners management style. The executive says that many of the vice presidents spoke badly about Koren "when she wasn't around." Interviews with the investigation team bear this out, he says.
Neither Tudor nor Koren could be reached for comment.
Others Expected To Leave
Highly placed sources within the government tell theExecutive that others on the executive committee are expected to leave in the near future, but as retirees. The sources say that the message is clear that cooperative retirements are likely better than the alternative.
The dismissals came after a two-month probe by the board, which had tapped two outside law firms to investigate, State Fund sources tell the Executive.
This was possible only after two board members, Frank Del Re and Kent Dagg, both of who operate State Fund safety groups, were forced to resign by the governor's office due to conflict of interest allegations. Those allegations were brought to light last year by the Workers' Comp Executive which reported that the board would be voting to increase commissions on group business, which would directly have benefited Del Re and Dagg. State Fund pays fees based on premium volume to group administrators.
Tudor has for years had a close relationship with Del Re, whose Western Insurance Administrators administers workers' compensation groups for seven trade associations. Del re is a former State Fund employee.
"Our president has been fired in disgrace and the lady who hired me was fired in disgrace too," one State Fund staffer, who requested anonymity, says. "Finally after all of these years State Fund employees are vindicated."
So is the integrity of the State Fund
April, 1913 - Workman's Compensation - "what they said"
San Francisco Call, Volume 113, Number 123, 2 April 1913
April I.—State Controller A. B. Nye, in a sharp letter addressed jointly to Senators E. J. Tyrrell of Oakland and A. E. Boynton of Oroville, authors of the two teachers' pension bills now before the legislature, declares both measures unconstitutional and asserts that owing to faulty construction neither would be effective. Nye further states that those who drew up the bills knew "little or nothing, about public financial methods." Thousands of teachers throughout the state have taken a great interest in the two proposed laws —either of which is said to have been acceptable to a majority of the teaching profession. The principal difference lies in the method of providing the money with which to pay the pensions, and on this score Nye brands them both as impossible.
Sacramento, April I.
Senator Boynton's workmen's compensation act, which, it was announced today, •would be amended by the committee having it in charge so as to eliminate the ranchers and farmers from its provisions, has created considerable discussion among the political leaders of the state, owing to a charge made by J. J. Scott of the democratic state central committee that it was designed to build up a political machine.
Chairman Daniel Ryan of the republican committee tonight said Scott's charge was mere rot and that the democrats were making an effort to defeat a measure which would benefit the workingmen immensely. In a letter to the editor of a paper in Crescent City, dated March 2 4 and forwarded to Senator Boynton, Scott said: "in the campaign last fall your paper had the independence of thought and action to oppose the high handed work of the present state political machine.
I therefore do not feel that I am presuming in calling your attention to one of the worst of the political measures now before the legislature of California in the hope that you will realize the importance of commenting on it editorially and seeing that your comments are communicated to the representatives of your community at Sacramento.
"The bill to which I refer is senate bill 905 by Senator Boynton.”
In enclosed editorials I have endeavored to show how, if enacted into law, its operation would tend to build up a political machine, not only impregnable, but also unprecedented in the history of the state. "In another article, submitted for editorial expression, if you see fit, I have explained the Injustice to which tens of thousands of farmers in California would be subjected by the success of so preposterous a program.
The Boynton bill is intended to per- I feet a political organization by the creation of an unlimited number of positions, at unlimited salaries and by devious other sly ramifications under the control of three commissioners, holding office at the pleasure of the governor."
Senator Boynton declined to comment on Mr. Scott's letter, but Mr. Ryan said it was absurd to suggest that there was any ulterior motive in the bill or that a political machine could be built up in any such manner.
The bill, with some minor amendments not yet made, will be recommended for passage by the committee.
April I.—State Controller A. B. Nye, in a sharp letter addressed jointly to Senators E. J. Tyrrell of Oakland and A. E. Boynton of Oroville, authors of the two teachers' pension bills now before the legislature, declares both measures unconstitutional and asserts that owing to faulty construction neither would be effective. Nye further states that those who drew up the bills knew "little or nothing, about public financial methods." Thousands of teachers throughout the state have taken a great interest in the two proposed laws —either of which is said to have been acceptable to a majority of the teaching profession. The principal difference lies in the method of providing the money with which to pay the pensions, and on this score Nye brands them both as impossible.
Sacramento, April I.
Senator Boynton's workmen's compensation act, which, it was announced today, •would be amended by the committee having it in charge so as to eliminate the ranchers and farmers from its provisions, has created considerable discussion among the political leaders of the state, owing to a charge made by J. J. Scott of the democratic state central committee that it was designed to build up a political machine.
Chairman Daniel Ryan of the republican committee tonight said Scott's charge was mere rot and that the democrats were making an effort to defeat a measure which would benefit the workingmen immensely. In a letter to the editor of a paper in Crescent City, dated March 2 4 and forwarded to Senator Boynton, Scott said: "in the campaign last fall your paper had the independence of thought and action to oppose the high handed work of the present state political machine.
I therefore do not feel that I am presuming in calling your attention to one of the worst of the political measures now before the legislature of California in the hope that you will realize the importance of commenting on it editorially and seeing that your comments are communicated to the representatives of your community at Sacramento.
"The bill to which I refer is senate bill 905 by Senator Boynton.”
In enclosed editorials I have endeavored to show how, if enacted into law, its operation would tend to build up a political machine, not only impregnable, but also unprecedented in the history of the state. "In another article, submitted for editorial expression, if you see fit, I have explained the Injustice to which tens of thousands of farmers in California would be subjected by the success of so preposterous a program.
The Boynton bill is intended to per- I feet a political organization by the creation of an unlimited number of positions, at unlimited salaries and by devious other sly ramifications under the control of three commissioners, holding office at the pleasure of the governor."
Senator Boynton declined to comment on Mr. Scott's letter, but Mr. Ryan said it was absurd to suggest that there was any ulterior motive in the bill or that a political machine could be built up in any such manner.
The bill, with some minor amendments not yet made, will be recommended for passage by the committee.
a question we should all be asking
hi folks - does anyone know if it is legal for the
legislature and governor - under any conditions - to unilaterally alter the
state constitution without the approval of the voters in California? well,
apparently they did in 1913.
i received the following information today from a state archivist - if it's true - it likely means that there is NO legal basis whatsoever for the present system of worker's compensation.
"SB905 from 1913 (chapter 176) was not a constitutional amendment, and therefore was not voted on by the electorate. The Governor approved this act on June 2, 1913, and it went into effect immediately."
or, am i wrong
here? are our constitutional rights and our state's constitution such lowly
constructs as to be disregarded in California and turned over to those who
serve themselves instead of you -
ya, that must be it.
i received the following information today from a state archivist - if it's true - it likely means that there is NO legal basis whatsoever for the present system of worker's compensation.
"SB905 from 1913 (chapter 176) was not a constitutional amendment, and therefore was not voted on by the electorate. The Governor approved this act on June 2, 1913, and it went into effect immediately."
this of course, in
1913, altered the constitution without a vote of the people and among other
things, took due process out of the system in return for setting us up with
what i believe was referred to as a satisfactory system that was supposed to
make everyone happy - injured workers and employers alike - and what did we the
people and employers of California actually get - an epic con job that made
California into the private playground of lawyers, doctors, law enforcement
groups, un-elected judges and civil servants that were asleep at the wheel of a
multiple billion dollar series of scandals that looted not only the industry
but the state and the public's trust too.
Worker's Comp - amending the Constitution WITHOUT a Vote of and by the People?
"There are no propositions concerning worker’s compensation in the 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s or 1950s. I looked through each of them. Worker’s compensation did not start to be a ballot issue until the 1960s."
M. M.
Hastings College of the Law Library
"SB905 from 1913 (chapter 176) was not a constitutional amendment, and therefore was not voted on by the electorate. The Governor approved this act on June 2, 1913, and it went into effect immediately. "
Reference Coordinator
M. M.
Hastings College of the Law Library
"SB905 from 1913 (chapter 176) was not a constitutional amendment, and therefore was not voted on by the electorate. The Governor approved this act on June 2, 1913, and it went into effect immediately. "
Reference Coordinator
Friday, February 3, 2012
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