"Ora na azu nwa" -"it takes a village, a whole community...
To allow White Collar Crime to "be and become" established and go fully mainstream in an entire state as it has in California.
From what I’ve read and personally experienced, I am unsure where if anywhere, it doesn't happen on the city, county and state level. It seems "about everywhere" so that it literally seems to be considered commonplace, just like the sun coming up in the morning and maybe that's why we really don't notice it other than the really "egregious" cases.
my personal research indicates that it has "always been this way" per report of "everyone I ever worked with and spoke to about the matter" both in and out of civil service - and I spoke to a huge number of people about corruption of the Process and Rule of Law and other matters, including most every attorney and judge I ever worked with for more than a few minutes or spoke to at any length. I found most of them to have very poor values and to be oath-breakers as a matter of practice - white collar crime was and is this extensive in California, and it’s all over the news and has been for years if you care to research it.
contrary to what they would have you believe, White Collar Crime (corruption of the “process of law” to influence the outcome or "rule of law") does not occur by one-sies and two-sies as they would have you think - it's built into the system and Corruption of the Rule of Law happens most commonly with those you'd least likely suspect - those who are "part of the system" and who work with and/or for government.
My research indicates white collar crime has gone on since at least 1913 when the legislature and governor apparently fraudulently passed worker's compensation and created what would become known as a "rogue state agency" - State Fund. However, if I’m correct and worker's compensation was never voted on by the people, then State Fund is not really even a state agency and never was due to the unconstitutional manner in which "workman's compensation" was invoked without a vote of the people ever taking place despite the lies they tell you.
non-governmental groups such as in the medical and legal field (attorneys AND judges) are also highly complicit in feeding off your rights and tax/benefit dollars in an illegal manner, so it's not just elected and un-elected civil servants, they have had LOTS of help from our also similarly trusted, non-governmental, oath-bound professionals in the legal and medical fields - how nice of them to help out - for free do you think?
How much of the BILLIONS that were looted from the State of California went to them?
This conspiracy to avoid jail led to a far-reaching "Mafia-like Code of Silence" - which whether enforced by complicity's guilt or imposed on others by methods including invitations to the game of "career jeopardy" or simple but effective brute force including beatings and harassment on and off the job if you didn't go along.
Whatever the reason, it became "okie-dokie" to stay silent as Corruption spread on-the-job via White Collar Crime till it encompassed the entire village or in this case, most if not all of the cities, counties and possibly the entire State of California in one way or another.
Personally, I view Corruption of the Process and Rule Law in California as a situation akin to "look, the emperor has no clothes," as we just collectively ignore that it's there and happening as we think speak and drool as the passive sheeples many of us voters seem to be.
Corruption has merely become societies bastard child - nobody wants to see it, acknowledge its existence, report it, dare think how much it's really costing society much less each of us individually.
In great part, it’s due to the mafia-esque "Code of Silence" among all who "serve themselves instead of the Public's Trust". Can you really trust those who have been known for so long to serve themselves instead of the Public's Trust? What of the fact that even those who do not commit crimes still maintain Silence about what others do illegally - that's illegal too.
IMHO, the people have long been brainwashed by the politicians, media and special interests involved - each for their own collective and individual reasons - mostly having to do with political or financial power, your money and your rights - be they worker's compensation, constitutional, civil or human rights all included.
But that's probably no surprise, is it? White collar crime is one of those many little things we allow in our daily life but do nothing about... (dishonesty, oath-breaking, etc). It’s considered "normal" and most people think "I’m only doing my job" - we need some real consciousness raising, some values clarification so people see what’s really going on and how they have long been indoctrinated – even brain-washed into believing wrong is right.
See, it ain't just the corporations and the people in them screwing up this nation - compare this to how the "Civil Service Elite" of California (orchestrated by elected and un-elected, high ranking mangers and even MANY in the rank and file) conspired to loot the Public's Trust and the Public's Treasury in California - meaning they looted billions via unfair and illegal activities that included open lies, oath-breaking and other dishonorable acts. Worker’s comp isn't the only funding source impacted as dishonesty in one funding source generally begets dishonesty over-all.
These "illegitimate activities" by and for the "selected many" (principally elected public officials and many of those involved in or with civil service - think mangers, prison guards, the law enforcement unions and a cast of thousands) also led to usury wages and benefits - benefits including, for example - one year of - "at their own discretion" - "free wages and benefits" for the CHP (California Highway Patrol). I call this 5150 time, because it's crazy they get it and crazy we allow it.
Further, I understand this free year of money and benefits also counts towards their retirement pension. However it is really named,
I call it 5150 time - it's crazy but it's free time that nobody else in this state gets, and OUR elected legislature voted for this?
We The People of California have allowed ourselves to be duped, conned by those who seek to profit off their logic of lies and half truths by people who support the dishonest, two-tiered society we have become for they profit off white collar crime in one way or another.
We are supposed to ALL have EQUAL RIGHTS in this state yet we have a Constitution that is being wildly manipulated by those who seek to minimize your rights for personal gain and this has gone on openly in a state-sanctioned fashion for not just years but for decades and generations since at least 1913.
In an odd fashion, what I am reporting is a loss of various and multiple Constitutional Rights including but not limited to: your very Freedom of Speech; Due Process; Equal Opportunity; your various disability protections; the right to equal treatment under the law; your tort rights and more (civil procedures vs. worker's comp courts/laws).
Even the constitutional manner in which the constitution of California is to be modified has been abused in the way the legislature faked lawful passage of worker's comp in 1913, and that single action - IMHO - led to most of the then high-level corruption in this state that then led to it trickling down to the rank and file and others, such as many in our professional classes and on into the city and county levels. (Think Bell, Hawthorne, and how many more?)
Your elected and un-elected civil servants have “bent” the Process of how the Law is applied and to and for whom it's applied to/for or not. Discrimination in any form is wrong, especially as crimes committed by so-called "blue-collar" workers of this state have been treated so overly harshly as compared to White Collar Crime.
You realize of course that if nobody discovers most white collar crimes within the Statutes of Limitations (SOL) within what, 3-4 years - well, they who commit or conceal White Collar Crime get off Scot free if their crime isn't discovered within those few years.
Blue-Collar workers - do they get a free get-out-of-jail card or a Statute of Limitations to protect them from jail? To make a point - in comparison, Blue Collar Workers are SOL but it's not quite the same as having one.
That Code of Silence - maybe White Collar Criminals shouldn't have to pay the price for their crimes - but each of you has a voice and a vote - I suggest you use them if this information disturbs you - in fact I suggest each of you forward this to your personal legislator on the city, county or state level and demand to know the truth about White Collar Crime in their political arena - where it has happened, how much it has cost and where the criminal charges are. If they plead SOL, do not accept the “SOL” or Statutes of Limitations arguments as they can CHANGE THE LAW and erase the SOL's that only allow White Collar Crooks to avoid their just due - punishment under the law.
Change: "Ora na azu nwa"